Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Hello there my little bloggers!

Megz and I have arrived at our paradise island getaway...Why did we already book flights to Europe when we could very well stay here for a whole year? Tioman is a 120 million year old Jungle paradise! Never have I seen anything like it!

Here is a quick overview of the last 2 days:

The flight from Sydney was awesome. Most memorable moment was flying over the Artisan Basin near Alice Springs. From 30000 ft it really looks like GOD has run his fingers through the sand, creating red waves as far as the eye can see.

We then touched down in Singapore after 2 movies (Yes man is piss funny), 3 bottles of wine (mini bottles) and some average plane food. Since then everything has progressed with what can only be described as perfect synchronicity. We just made the transfer to the hotel by 2 minutes, made the bus to JB in good time, crossed the border into Malaysia without hassle, boarded the last ferry to Tioman with 2 minutes to spare (running with full load is not good for your back) and checked in with time for dinner and a show! Whew!

Today Meg and I woke with no plans, finally making a decision to walk to Tekek (the main village) which took about an hour...and required some jungle walking. After some convincing, Meg agreed to take on the Island traverse Jungle hike. This goes from Tekek to Johara and takes about 3 hours we were told. This was not the case however. We caught a taxi (4wd, complete with tourist guide) to Johara, had a swim in the crystalline brilliance and sucked it up for the trek. All considered it took close to 2 hours and was unbearably humid. Making it back to our bungalow and crashing was the most rewarding part of 5 hours total walking for the day.

Now for the best part...the guys that work at our village have a guitar...they occasionally pad out the back to smoke and chit chat...it did not take long before I headed out to greet/serenade them all with some good ol Island crooning...

Well guys we have a aircon room to get back to and some sort of snorkeling adventure to organise for tomorrow so I will leave it there and say Salamat Datang to you all! xoxoxo

6 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Alicia said:  

April 14, 2009 at 11:16 PM

Thanks for the update guys. The first of many many more to come.... and many adventures! I can't wait for some photos (esp of the little monkeys!). Enjoy your snorkelling tomorrow xx

Jody said:  

April 15, 2009 at 9:15 AM

Sounds Fantiastic - This blog bizo is great. Keep them coming. Talk soon xx

Anonymous said:  

April 15, 2009 at 10:17 AM

i had no idea what a blog was, wasnt even sure if this was the right page, but it is, and i love it, im gonna keep my eye on you kids for the rest of the year....... I LOVE YOU GUYS BEYOND WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx tamara

Joel said:  

April 15, 2009 at 10:01 PM

hey guys, i'm already feeling your absence, i lost it on the way home after dropping luke and mum off. i guess tin man does have a heart lol, i feel really happy for you both and it sounds like the love is starting to spread, so here is some more XOXO and love :)

K3NstyL said:  

April 16, 2009 at 8:46 PM

Hey man sounds good, i can speak Malaysian too!
" You dinky dau, man.
You beaucoup dinky dau!"

Larna & Ben said:  

April 17, 2009 at 7:47 PM

Hey Hey!!!
Sounds like you're having a wonderful time, so jealous but when I close my eyes its almost like we're there with you..looking forward to hearing about more of your adventures and to seeing the world through your eyes. So proud of you for making this dream of yours come true
Sending you guys a massive hug and our love


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