Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Due south

Well well well...we meet again!

In this edition of Josh and Meg go global we have included some pics of our trip to Bayeux in Normandy and around some of the Dday sights. We thoroughly enjoyed this little jewel with it's cobble stoned streets and period buildings, wandering aimlessly to find hot food and things to see. Our first Eurail experience was a delight as the efficiency of Europes train networks continues to amaze us. As we settled into our carrige a respectable looking French gentleman gaves us a sideways glance, and then disappeared completely when he heard the voice of some compatriots identifying the same carrige as theirs...enter Geoff and Elliot...a father son combo from good ol Picton in NSW! How happy we were to hear the distinctive nuances from a very Australian voice (Thanks Geoff)! The trip flew as fast as the conversation and laughs (its funny how much you miss the Aussie sense of humour) and we arrived in Bayeux for the same purpose. Meg and I had the fortune of dining with the boys before we parted company. Thanks for the laughs guys and I hope you make it back safe and sound to the ladies.

The Dday tour was fantastic. We had a very funny and informative guide who fielded all sorts of questions and catered well to our almost exclusive group of 3. Words simply fall short to describe the horror, bravado, commoradory and spirit of this sacred place. Even Meg managed to enjoy herself. We managed to keep the culture vulture theme going by visiting the famed Bayeux tapestry (a thousand year old, 70 meter long embroided comic strip depicting William the Bastard conquouring the English)...or as our Normandy guide says, the ROAST BEEF! HA HA HA! And we also had a quick sticky at the Cathedral in Bayeux (Pictured).

Next stop Pontorson. After receiving a hot tip that Mt Saint Michel was a good spot to visit on the way we decided to follow the lead and check it out. Not to be disappointed either as the medieval abby looms high on a rocky outcrop, girt by the Atlantic and a veritible masterpiece of architecture and scope. It was on this particular tour that we were befriended by more lovely country men, or women as it were. Big thanks go out to Tammy, Karen and Michelle for accompanying us on the tour and braving the rainy, icy conditions. We had a blast with you guys and hope your journeys are safe and guide you back to your respective broods peacefully.

Today 28/4/09: Meg and I used our now sharpened railwork nouce to make our way to La Rochelle, a gorgeous port town with a huge marina, good restaurants, snappy net and happening streets. We sign off ready to check in and get some yummy asian food to warm our cockles! Missing and Loving every one of you guys! xoxoxoxo

9 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Mum and Dad said:  

April 29, 2009 at 1:51 PM

Great to hear from you, love the pic's. Good to run into some compatriots, it's a small world!
Looks like your having an amazing time.
Miss you and Love you heaps. Thanks again to Leash for this wonderful facility.
All your love M&D. oxoxox

Candy said:  

April 29, 2009 at 8:44 PM

Hello hello, just thought you may love to know, we had a family dinner tonight, that being Wed, 29th @ home m&d's, twas lovely, i made goats cheese free form tarts.. and was thinking of you when i made them.. and ate them. Even though you guys wernt here in person, i certainly felt your spirit, and especially as we carnt eat them all, there are heaps left over, (oohhh. not going to cry).. beav and i are thinking of you heaps, knowing you havin tonnes of fun. We been busy, Oakvale Farm, Steamfest, and back to school tommorrow, and big kisses and hugs from me and bo bo.. P.S Happy Birthday Joshy for Sunday,ring if you can, xxxxxxooooxxxxxx Candy

Alicia said:  

May 1, 2009 at 11:10 PM

You guys rock!! Seems like you are having the adventures you truly deserve. Your updates are the highlight of my day - talk about living vicariously through you. Thanks for our skype call... you don't so far away when we can see and hear you... The girls have been carrying around their photos of you (JJ even wanted to take hers to show and tell - it was hard explaining to her that no one at kindy would know the famous Meggie and Oshy). JJ has decided she is coming to France for a nutella crepe... she has asked to go 3 times so far, so don't leave just yet until she gets to France. An extra special postcard arrived today :) Today! Love You, Miss You... so Happy for you... xx

Alicia said:  

May 1, 2009 at 11:11 PM

ps... Oshy your birthday begins soon... BBL with some birthday wishes! Hope you are stupidly happy (and drunk) right now, enjoying all that french wine... xx

Mum and Dad said:  

May 2, 2009 at 10:56 PM

Hi guys, just did the math on the phone call for the 3th, it will be 4 in the morning where you are. But I think everyone will be here.
Love and miss you much,

Alicia said:  

May 3, 2009 at 2:33 AM

Birthday time! Yay... hope it is your best Birthday yet Josh. Love and hugs... xx Kisses to Meggie too... xx

Mum and Dad said:  

May 3, 2009 at 8:56 AM

Happy birthday Joshua, wish you a wonderful day and many more to come. Love you guys, Dad.oxox

Picton Boys said:  

May 10, 2009 at 2:00 PM

G'day Josh(happy b'day) and Meg,
Picton Boys here.
Ell (hes the sixteen year old)and I arrived Sydney 8.00pm 9th May - that flights a killer.
Good to read of your adventures after Bayeux.
We had three nights in Bayeux then an english couple gave us a lift to ferry terminal. We went across 'Channel into Portsmouth had two nights, then onto London. Did heaps here.
(Though its good to be back on your own toilet seat)!
That duty free was handy for Mothers Day pressies.
look forward to reading more of your adventures
Geoff and Elliot.

K3NstyL said:  

June 23, 2009 at 11:29 PM

Detailed email coming your way!


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