Thursday, April 23, 2009

Foot massage please

Bonjour once more,

So Meg and I are officially in love with Paris...but is it that hard to imagine?? The last three days have been an absolute whirlwind... Meg and I bought to fruition the desire to have champagne, cheese and baguette underneath the Eiffel tower (which is surrounded by beautiful parks) and then dozed in eachothers arms as the sky had offered to us some amazing spring weather! We woke 30 minutes later to indulge in our first actual paid activity and climbed the stairs to the 2nd level of the Eiffel to immerse in the afternoon sun whilst gazing upon Paris from the most advantages point. We then lazily returned to our hotel via the Metro (most efficient public transport ever) and ventured across the street to indulge in some yummy pizza and Red plonk.

The next day quickened the pace as we visited Notre Dame (Words can't describe) and then on to the Bastille (Formally fortified royal building come stockade) before wandering around the deilightfully manacured Cemetiere Pere Lachaise where Chopin, Oscar Wilde and Jim Morrsion have been laid to rest. After a blundered attempt to visit the Catacombes (thanks LP) Meg and I got spruced up and ventured to the Champse Elysse for a romantic Parisian dinner. And we were far from disappointed. Was it you Leash that told us about the Onion soup? Regardless...OMFG! Most amazing soup ever!! We also had incredible mains and were left wanting more and more. Despite the freezing gusts blowing up the Elysse, Meg and I pressed on to see the Eiffel by night and stood under the incandescent glow for 30 mins until the cold got the better and we retreated to base camp!

Today I woke with my first ailment of the trip. An incredibly strained ligament from ball of foot to big toe! Not to let it get the better I made like hop along cassidy and we set out for another huge day of sight seeing! The Musee De Louvre is astonishingly way you could see everything in less than 3 days! Then we descended into the bowels of Paris for a disturbingly macarbe tour of the Catacombes. A 1.6 Km walk through the old quarry (contstructed in the 18th century) that became a mass grave after the remains of some 3 thousand Parisians were relocated here due to an outbreak of disease from an overcrowded cemetary!

The last spot on the trip was Pont Neuf, The Conciergerie, Saint Chapel and the original settlement of Paris (all in a small adjacent area). Needless to say my feet are effed!

Among all of these wonderous sights, I must confess that the food is the winner here. Savoury crepes, sweet eclairs (your right Leash, never again in Australia), onion soup, croissants and cakes I could not have even dreamed up are now a part of us forever!! I'm such an easily pleased pig for life!

So I sign off now to go and pack for our next adventure, despite all the gravity of Paris on me. I love each and every one of you back home...we think of you often: xoxoxoxox

7 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Alicia said:  

April 23, 2009 at 7:25 AM

Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!! I am soooo LOVING these updates. For about five minutes of the day I am magically transported to a far away world and I sit and dream / taste / enjoy / savour all the things you are both doing. Yes, one of my fav things about Paris was the onion soup, although I have been told by a Parisian that they are not famous for onion soup (WTF?)... aha... now you understand my delight. Oh the food - oh the beauty. I never wanted to travel to Paris, but once there, I was instantly in love.

I love the photos, thanks so much guys, all the effort you are putting into updating the blog... we all appreciate it. I know Muzz is checking each morning, and it is the first thing I check too... the girls are asking for their milk, but alas, no, I am checking on you first :)

Bella's first tooth came through yesterday! I will send you an email soon telling you the results of her allergy test.

Love you both, so so SO happy you are having an awesome time.

Where to next?


Muzzy Moo Moo said:  

April 23, 2009 at 7:55 AM

Hi Meggie & Oshie, so great to hear from you guys again, sounds as if you are loving Paris and having the most amazing times, pictures are fantastic keep them coming, Joe and Freckles say hello and miss you, keep fingers crossed for Joe today as he has an interview, we'll keep you informed. Luv u more & more & missing u heaps. Muzzie xoxoxoxo

Muzzy Moo Moo said:  

April 23, 2009 at 7:57 AM

ps. your money has been desposited in your account xx

Mum and Dad said:  

April 23, 2009 at 9:12 AM

Hello my little lovelies, great to hear from you.
Extremely happy that you are soaking up the delights of Paris, sounds amazing. Love the pic's,
I,also am at the pute every opportunity to check for news. Leash is correct, very much appreciate
the descriptions and photo's, thank you for the time spent. à nous parler à nouveau.

tout mon amour papa xoxoxo

Mum and Dad said:  

April 23, 2009 at 1:15 PM

Candice also loved the pictures and commented on how relaxed you both look and I concur, Paris must be agreeing with you.
All my love dad. oxoxox

Alicia said:  

April 24, 2009 at 7:44 AM

Me again!! Hey Guys... thanks for the call yesterday. The girls and I were stoked to hear your voices.

Posho, please say a pray fo thanks for me if you get to one of the ANZAC services tomorrow.


Mum and Dad said:  

April 25, 2009 at 7:44 AM

Hi guys, hope all is well with you.
Had a thought at work last night, perhaps the toe pain your experiencing may be gout with all the rich food you've been eating, just a thought.
Love you and miss you.
Dad. oxoxox


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