Monday, April 20, 2009

The French Connection

2 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Alicia said:  

April 20, 2009 at 10:51 AM

Roger?!!?.... in Pari? haha

Anonymous said:  

May 7, 2009 at 5:57 AM

Hi Meg and Josh,

I hope you remember, Nathalie and Christoph, Viktor and me from Tioman.
Christoph asked for your email adress and i recognized, that i am the one who had the little paper in my wallet with the email adress on it.

But i can't read it. :-(

Christoph uploaded some pics from our Absolut evening and the day after.

You need a pw and we don not want to publish it here. So i need your Email adress. Please send it to

Shame on me for not getting in touch with you earlier. I had a quick view on your blog. Your pics are very impressing.
Here in Paderborn is it raining since two days. Before we had a little taste of the meaning of summer. Sunshine and above 20°C. It's cold in comparison to southeast asia. For me, our holiday there two weeks ago is much farer away. Some trouble at work and you forget your holidayfeeling as fast as possible.

We left Tioman on saturday. We decided to stay there one day longer as planned. Friday we went diving again, and saturday we moved to Kuala Lumpur. Everyone told us, that it is a terrible city. You can only go to see the Petronas Towers and afterward go shopping. ... and they were right.
So we had only a night and day in KL. Enough for me. :-)
Then we had a terrible 33hour return journey. Two days suffering of the jet lag and everything is as before.

I hope you both have a good time. If i have some more time i read your blog.
I think i speak for everyone, when i repeat our invitation to Paderborn if you arive in Germany.
Some pictures show that you met some other nice people. I'm glad and a little bit jealous of you for to having such a nice trip.
The pictures show that you thought of my advice visiting the Sacré Coeur in Paris. :-)

I'm looking forward to get a response.



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