Monday, April 27, 2009

Goat track va Madams/Missuers,

Sorry we have been off the radar, however the further south we go, the less English is spoken and we have found it difficult to find a decent enough connection to warrent updates/uploads etc...Bayeux was fantastic and we spent an Anzac day missing 2 up and Lager :(

So we are making a run for La Rochelle and hope to spend 2 nights, giving us enough time and cheap connection fee (currently paying 9 Aussie for 30 mins!!) to say a proper hello! Off to Mt St Michel, a famous land sight near Pontorson where we are staying...

All our love Meg and Josh! xoxoxo

1 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Mum and Dad said:  

April 27, 2009 at 8:26 PM

Great to hear from you. So much for technology, glad to hear your enjoying yourselves. Very envious now. Keep delighting in your travels, Mum and I think of you often.
All our love M&D.oxoxox


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