Monday, April 20, 2009

France's underpants

Bonjour wee monamies,

Meggy and I have just spent our first day sightseeing through the oldest and most beautiful ol dame of a city and are completely charmed by her dazzling features! However, allow me to backtrack for a moment to the last few days...

Flight from Singapore to London....long, uncomfortable 13 hour flight with terrible food but touch screen tv's?? I know BA got their priorities mixed up there!! I did however sit next to a lovely young Sri Lankan expat who enlightened me to some more esoteric information regarding the plight of civil unrest in his country...and of course there was passionate talk of cricket...we swapped details and I now have a bed in Singapore should the need arise...and vice versa!

We flew into a very chilly England @ 0500 and got some good ol heart hurting English breakfast complete with snags (vego of course) and purged ourselves of the bad taste in our mouths...we then tried to call everyone and eventually made success with most (Leish??) before sitting down to wait for our French Connection in the very snazzy and new terminal 5 built last year!

Cue the rain and cloudy weather...descending into Charles de gualle was like flying through a grey soup...but we were too excited/jetlagged to care (at this point I should mention that we would have been asleep if not for the double shot coffee @ Heathrow)! We waited for our bags and then meandered over to a bus terminal. It was not long before Meg and I noticed many heavily armed French army men near the terminal we had just left! I don't know what it was that made the following loud bang and puff of smoke but for a few tense minutes we were petrified and expecting another. No one else batted an eyelid though?? Meg and I then made a call to our hotel, acquired directions and hopped on board a Roissybus into the city. The weather gloomed and our happiness provided an intangible umbrella all the way into town. It took a little foreign wandering before we located our abode, and we were glad to be greeted by our very well appointed/groomed Manager. We exchanged pleasantries and retreated to our tiny but beautiful room for a much needed shower (Meg was on the nose)!

For anyone that has not been in Paris...all I can say is you have to go at least once...the Choclatiers and Fromageries emit the most delightful fragrences amidst the animated conversations of many Parisian folk. And the driving/parking is hilarious! We found a nice spot for dinner after some street wandering and then retired for the night. I drifted into a slumber from a mixture of rain, city ambience and Megs breathing with the biggest smile on my face thinking WE MADE IT!

Today was almost like a fantasy. Waking to the sound of drunk French men stumbling home I was quick to get up and ready with Meg. Breakfast, we discovered to our delight, was complimentary and we tucked into baguettes, croissants, coffee, tea and cereal before leaving to find an internet cafe due to inclement weather. 8 hours later I sit here in a daze from all the walking, sights (Eiffle tower, Arc de Triomph, Champse Elisse, war museum, and the museum of natural history), good food and overwhelming feeling of happiness! I wish this for you all! The only blemish was a very injured person that had fallen ten meters from one of the buildings we visited and was receiving cpr when we arrived (can someone check this out and confirm what happened? Also the blast @ the international airport too please??)

Until next time.....Au revoir xoxoxoxo

2 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Alicia said:  

April 20, 2009 at 7:07 AM

Damn,... Missed my phonecall! Have a chocolate crossiant for me this morning! Just off to the paed. allergist with Bella for her skin prick test. BBL to write more. Love You xxxxxx

paynedog said:  

April 20, 2009 at 7:38 PM

Hey Frenchies, it looks as though your both having a great time and have been to some great places, i look forward to getting over there to see you guys. Don`t forget to try some snails while you over there, their much better than what you would expect lol. Keep the messages coming and make sure Josh keeps on growing that beard Megs, mines getting really long and is starting to annoy the shit out of me. Take care. Love u guys


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