Friday, April 17, 2009

The amazing race

Meg and I just quickly wanted to let you know that the synchronicity wore off. Maybe it was the night we made close friends with four Germans over 2 bottles of absolute vodka that threw our groove off...though we have got free accommodation in Paderborn whenever we make it to their neck of the woods...anyway the day after was a write off and we could only manage a weak afternoon snorkel (seeing a 100kg turtle on our swim) and then went out for dinner with ze Germans again...Michael, Christoph, Viktor and Natalie (its a term of endearment)! So our first connection is made and we have good friends from Tioman! Anywho, the upshot of it all was our ferry arriving 2 hours too late today to take us back to Mersing...and it got worse from there...slow people....laid back bus driver...ancient customs clerk...culminated in two very stressed sweaty Australians running through customs in 2 countries (Malaysia and Singies) to hustle a cab en route to the airport...hahahahahaha....hence the title of this post....we are now enjoying some cold Tiger beer and sushi as we wait to fly to the Uk...will update with photos in the ol enemies backyard!

Until then Peace and love from Singapore xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

5 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Alicia said:  

April 18, 2009 at 12:46 AM

Crazy kids! THank god you made your connectition xx

Muzzy Moo Moo said:  

April 18, 2009 at 9:20 AM

Hi Meggie & Oshie, thanks so much for your lastest update, sounds as if you guys are having heaps of fun, meeting new friends and hopefully not too many stressful times. Missing you both heaps, Freckles keeps looking for you all the time. Joe say Hi, he is missing his running partner and also you too Moo. Luv u More, keep having heap of fun & good times. Muzzie xoxoxo

Mum and Dad said:  

April 18, 2009 at 12:00 PM

Hi guys, thanks for the update. 100 kg turtle, wow. Keep the updates coming, looking forward to photo's. Miss you much, stay well and enjoy.
All my love xoxoxo

Karly said:  

April 19, 2009 at 9:09 PM

ok turtle sounds cool, almost not making the plane not so cool... loving your blog, i am at this moment trying to get ours sorted. Can't wait to hear about more adventures!! We only have four days left in Oz ourselves :) :)

Christoph said:  

April 21, 2009 at 11:15 PM

Hi guys,

nice to see you already made it to the old world... We also got back in Paderborn yesterday and after some sleep have to get back to work now... Seeing your pictures from Paris one really can get jealous, but at least it seems that the weather here is much better than in France ;-)

We'll surely follow your journey on this blog and hope that there will be a posting "Amazing night in Germany's hidden metropolis Paderborn" some day. Just let as know some days before so we can put the Absolute on ice, although maybe we should stick to some German beer then...

Enjoy your time!
Christoph & Nathalie


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