Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Story of Josh and Meg

A sweet and short picture story about true love

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

and so it begun. It was young love...

Passionfruit birthday cake confirmed it was the real deal - True Love...

Two crazy's had finally found each other...

and became one... *collective ahhhhh*

Josh found himself leaving his country of 20+ years to embark on his funnyspoon with his soulmate (aka other crazy)...

Travel is mostly bliss, but staying hydrated is key...

The crazy's (aka soulmates) continue to share the love wherever they go...

They are the picture of wedded bliss... of true love... of "a single soul inhabiting two bodies" - Aristotle

Josh and Meg – You are amazing souls...

Your love and connection to each other and each of us is an inspiration...


2 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Gina xoxo said:  

April 1, 2009 at 9:10 PM

Awww Meg & Josh how sweet!!
Josh that pic of you (and Meg) - the one with your shirt open... totally boy band.
Meg your sister is the best! How good is this blog?! I never knew this kinda site existed. You are gonna have to update this very freqently as I will be checking at least weekly. If it get addictive like facebook ... you'd better update daily *chough*... 3 x a day ... *chough* hourly.
See you kids on Saturday

Anonymous said:  

April 10, 2009 at 9:55 AM

This made me cry like a baby! What an outstanding sis/sis-in-law you have : )

Have a brilliant time on your travels guys! Love Custy xx


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