Sunday, March 15, 2009

Quick Updates

Josh and Meg have touched down in Singapore! xoxo

Safe and Sound guys... how do you order Singapore noodles here?? They're all noodles sir!

4 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Mum and Dad said:  

April 13, 2009 at 8:02 AM

Hope you had a good flight. Catch some sleep?
Been missing you since Thursday.
All my love Dad.

Muzzy Moo Moo said:  

April 14, 2009 at 8:15 AM

hi meggie & joshy missing u guys heaps - glad to hear u have arrived safely. Can't wait for more updates. Have heaps of fun. luv u more. muzzie xxxx

Alicia said:  

April 14, 2009 at 11:14 AM

Hey Guys, Glad you're safe and sound - knew you would be! Sorry - this quick updates isn't working as you would expect it to. Because you have just edited an old entry, it remains with the original posted date and time - so basically no one will see it unless going through all your old posts. Also, it doesn't get emailed out as it isn't technically a new post. Best bet is to do a new post that way it is at the top of your blog and will get emailed out to anyone subscribed. Muzzy had to tell me you had updated the blog..... go Muzzy! Anyways, going to do a sneaky and post a new post on the blog for you so it gets emailed to your friends. Love u xx

Jimmy said:  

October 10, 2009 at 7:14 AM

In Singapore, they call Singapore Noodles Hong Kong Noodles. True story, my ship broke down there for 3 weeks when i was 19!


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