Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spains brains and back again

Yeeeeeeeeeees welcome back!

Sorry for the delay in posts, though it is indicative of the wonderful time we are currently having. Since we last chatted, Meg and I have stopped in Pamplona, Zaragoza, Barcelona, back over the border to Montpellier, Nimes and finally in Avingon....which I know will please Alarna Chapman to no end!
So Pamplona is famous for the running of the bulls...well we had to substitute with the cupping of the bulls and the getting squashed by the bulls (see pics). There are some majestic vistas up in the Navarre country where little towns are bowled by rocky outcrops, vast mountains and large expanses of nothingness. As we arrived in Pamplona the feeling of truely being in Spain sunk in. Not very much English is spoken or written form around here and the language barrier becomes apparent. We made camp in a very cheap hotel (25 Euro) and set out to see the sights. What a beautiful town...we sampled some more sangria and then paid 26 Euro in total for a 3 course meal each!! I unfortunately ordered meat (thinking hake was a fish) but when all is said and done it was super cheap and not too bad at all! We returned to a KebaP hut the next day where felafel Kebabs are the most tasty you will ever get and totally different before trekking swiftly to make our train to Zaragoza.

It was here that we again set the bar for cheap accommodation and slept in a very comfortable Pension. Zaragoza had the most amazing basillica yet and we wandered through briefly before giving up on walking and settling down on the street to watch the world go by. You may have noticed that we happened upon a bar that just happened to have 1 Euro Heinikens for happy hour! Oh yeah...after some nice coldies in the fading Spanish sky we had a bad frozen pizza, cured by some delicious churozs...MMMMMM....
So we bailed early on the next day to add a day to Barcelona. The train that we needed to reserve was a A V E, complete with televisions, food service, bar, and a top speed of 350 KMS! I clocked the top speed of our journey at 298Kms! It was a dream ride. Once we arrived in the city Meg and I determined that we would make our first camp and give ourselves extra play money. We caught a bus out to Castelldefels and paid 20 Euro a night to sleep on the ground! Doesnt quite sound right does it? Anyway the tent was errected and we found that our sight was a 30 second walk to the Costa Brava were I took my first chilly dip in the Mediterranean. Meggy and I had a nice little picnic on the beach and relaxed in the sun. Possibly the most relaxed I had been so far!! Barcelona was amazing! We took a 2 day bus tour throught the city and explored some beautiful sights (None more impressive than the Sagrada Familiar which towers over the surrounding area and is constantly being added to as funds are donated to the church).

Long story short, we ate some exquisite morcels of Paella Marisco, tapas, and sipped some more sangria in between cheap meals from our campground tuck shop. We met some lovely Icelandic folk who moved in next door with their very luxurious camper (pictured). On our last morning of camping, after being subjected to two sleepless nights due to a beach rave (you know.. doof doof doof doof) we were invited to have some homemade bread and coffee...oh yeah...just what we needed to function. So we were mothered on mothers day before packing our world back onto our backs and moving on like little hermit crabs. We resolved to stay an extra night in Barca and I tried in vein to procure some scalped FC Barcelona tickets. No Such Luck! Boo to them! It was an amazing game too 3 all at full time. We got to experience the madness of futbal in Spain though and it was fantastic to see all the colours and hear the chanting of the crowd as they marched towards the 100 000 capacity staduim (biggest in Europe)! Meggy and I had a cold one and watched in a cramped little bar where the old bar lady cooked a giant octopus in a pot and pig hocs hung from the rafters like trophies! Each goal that Barca scored send waves of euphoria through the place and stirred the smokey haze.

Yesterday was a huge day of travel! We boarded a train from Barcelona to Montpellier (think a jazzed up red rattler with a bar) and spent 5 hours click clacking up the Costa Brava and out of Spains emphatic, intoxicating grip. We had our first border search and passport check and I couldn't help but imagine being on the run from the law...too many movies mee thinks! We got off at Montpellier after being treated to some more wonderful views of the coast and then boarded another train to Nimes. Here we found absolutely nowhere to stay and the shadows were elongating. So after briefly checking out the old Roman Ruins we again hopped the train to Avingon. Cue the synchronicity, first place we look... bang accommodation in our price range! Oh yeah....then a cheap meal at Maccas...yeah yeah I know....but whats a vagabond to do? HUH? Then we settled into our grotty little Chambre (never have I appreciated our clean rooms in OZ more) and watched a movie to fall asleep...Thanks ipod!

Meg has been a little under the weather....sniffles and coughing...so we are going to take it easy and stay another night! Ill make sure she eats well and rugs up mums so dont worry! But Im not letting her shower in that place again...no pressure...ages to heat up...and the sink does not drain so your feet soak in the bubbly filth of the dam at the bottom...ha ha ha...now we are really doing it back packer style! Well it wont be long before we are in Italy and so we leave to soak up the charms of this lovely little town and treat ourselves to some good food! All of our love is flowing home in torrents!
P.S Sorry Leish but can you fix up sideways photos?? This connection is shite and Im outta time!
M & J xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoox

13 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Alicia said:  

May 12, 2009 at 10:48 PM

Do you know how insanely jealous I am right now... *sigh* I wish I could post some photos in my response to you :) We too stayed on the Costa Brava for a week, and spent 3 days in Barcelona... We even have a couple photo infront of the Sagrada Familiar, we sat a small restaurant across the street from it and had paella... but that was a lifetime ago so it seems. BC anyway! Thanks for taking the time guys to update us on your travels. I have rotated the photos and decreased the spacing for you... blogger sure does suck with the photos upload - PITA! Noticed your photos all hve thewrong date and time on them... just correct the settings in your camera as one day in the future, you will look at a photo want to know when it was, and it will annoy you no end to have the wrong date.

How great does your tent look! Were you comfy? Cold? save the doof doof. Love the luxury camper. That is how I am doing Europe next time.... yeah right... It won't be until I am in my 50's so I probably will need a camper!

The churro's look tasty, as did Meg's pamyera?? mmm.

Monk... hope you are feeling well soon, you need to be better to fill your belly everyday whilst in Italia... mmm pizza... mmmm pasta.... mmmm hot chocolate.

Enjoy my little love birds


Krishna said:  

May 13, 2009 at 4:43 AM

Nice Pics champ. Feeling not quite as elated as I sit here in an emergency department in cold cold Bathurst, But i shall soon join the likes of yourself in a few weeks. Looking forward to seeing ya both!!! Krishna. xx

Mum and Dad said:  

May 14, 2009 at 10:43 AM

Hi windswept and interesting, thanks for the update, although I very much miss seeing you it is great that your having such an amazing time. We all wait with great anticipation to hear from you. Get well soon Gorgeous.
Miss you much, all our love Mum and Dad.oxoxox

Alicia said:  

May 18, 2009 at 3:36 PM

I'm just writing, to say, I love you.... I'm just writing, to say, I care... I do... you get the drift! thinking of you guys and wishing you fun and love energy right now xx

Mum and Dad said:  

May 19, 2009 at 11:34 AM

Hi Josh and Meg;
Happy Birthday from grandma,Skelton,(a bit late)not on the net yet. Looks like you're having a good time, plenty of nice food.
Go easy on the pastries (Stephen says your killing him)
From Nan, Luise and Stephen.

Alicia said:  

May 22, 2009 at 8:31 PM

Got us a postcard today... Miss you muchly, Love you more. Adventures aplenty we wish to you. *Squeeze* xx

Karly and Nick said:  

May 22, 2009 at 11:47 PM

Hi Guys, Karly here... I am enjoying your blog so much! Its not helping my longing for Europe! We fly into Vienna on 5 June but I really can't complain since I'll be in Nepal tomorrow :) but hey, theres nothing like europe. Are you guys going to austria, or croatia in June??? It would be great to catch up. let me know my email is furber.cini@gmail.com or you could visit our blog and leave a message :) ciniandcini.blogspot.com :)
ciao guys

Alicia said:  

May 24, 2009 at 9:02 AM

*starts shaking with withdrawals - screams frantacially* "WHERE ARE THEY?!!?!" heheh... miss you. Always thinking of you.... xx

Mum and Dad said:  

May 25, 2009 at 4:12 PM

Sharing the love is good, even better when some comes back this way!!!!
Please get in touch.
All my love + more. Dad oxoxox

Alicia said:  

May 25, 2009 at 4:15 PM

I'm hearing you Pete.... I need some lovin!

Alicia said:  

May 26, 2009 at 7:41 PM

Is it possible to stalk someone through their blog? *evil laugh*

Alicia said:  

May 26, 2009 at 7:41 PM

Am I the only one with no life *sad sigh*

Mum and Dad said:  

June 2, 2009 at 9:23 PM

It may appear that way at this point in time, but trust me, with three beautiful daughters, your life will become rich and rewarding beyond your expectations. Love Peter.


Send us some Love!

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