Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Au Revoir France :( Hola Amigos :),

Meg and I have crossed the border into Espangol and are winding down from our first night in San Sebastian, a lovely little costal town with beautiful clean streets and people having fun everywhere. Included in our photos are some shots of the marina town of La Rochelle, Wine tasting in Bordeaux, partying with friends in Biarritz and spending time with our lovely new soul sister, Dolores, from Buenos Aires in Argentina.

The last few days have been very lazy, with little exploring/effort on our part to venture into massive expeditions. I think we were both keen for a slow relaxing pace in comparison to Paris etc. Meg and I had our first tiff after walking 15km around the whole of La Rochelle before finding the Hostel, quite hilarious now we look back but there were some cranky pants being worn that afternoon. We spent two nights and ambled around the town with no real purpose as the weather was not so good. We did however see the Famed Fosters sign and ate some wonderful Indian food. Fritz, our hostel bar guy, was nice and later ran into us in Biarritz. Then we got into wine country. The river that feeds Bordeaux famous grape juice region was impressive and filtered into tributaries that spawned some enornmous vineyards that would dwarf some I have seen in Aus. The tour itself was not so impressive and the wine....well let me just say...its not really a Hunter Shiraz or NZ Pinot. Our guide was nice though, if not a little crazy and the country side was gorgeous. Place Gambetta in Bordeaux was lovely and our room was hilarious!! Absolutely built for a mouse complete with cartoonesque apartment French man ¨Gil¨ (Pronounced Shhhhhhhhhhil to his declaration).

We then contacted home only to be given the very sad news that a good friend has passed away. I hope it is not inappropriate but... RIP FROSTY...you will be much missed, and Meg and I were glad to have known you! Our thoughts are with your family. The rest of that day was uneventful.

So onto Biarritz...a chic little coastal town that boasts some impressive surfing heritage and one of Europes finest hostels. This is where I spent my birthday and met some really lovely people, Fritz included and decided to go and get our first taste of French night life. Starting at 11pm...not such an early kick off, we caught a cab into Bayonne. Lots of little bars with great tunes and weird drinks...photo included of Meg downing a rather interesting ¨Cocktail¨ that featured a coffee soaked lemon wedge and a shot of Vodka! Ewwwww....the reaction says it all! Also pictured is the Kookaburra club that we went to without our input and watched the German guys sing in chorus to a very funny song.We danced and laughed and made a wonderful couple of friends. After arriving home at 0530 we slept for 3 hours, careful not to wake our dorm buddies and then peeled our eyes awake to make sure we did not miss out on free breaky...its a backpackers life to squeeze every freebie no matter how hard it is! And then we spent the day riding bikes we hired through the town and along the coast...just the two of us! It was wonderful...my second best day so far....have I mentioned that I really love Megs to bits?

Today we bid farewell to our party buddies and we departed for Spain. Dolores came with us to San Sebastian for a day trip and we intend to catch up later in Prague. We shared some Paella and Sangria and meandered around the beautiful narrow alleys allowing our senses to soak up San Sebastians ambience and surprisingly different feel, despite being only 30 minutes from the border. Everything is slightly cheaper and the people a little more our style here which is a fresh and welcome change regardless of how amazing France was. So we head off for Pamplona tomorrow and then onto Zaragoza! Having the absolute time of our lives and still thinking of you all with fondess! Lots of love and hugs and kisses and more and more and more of the same, again and again and again!







3 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Mum and Dad said:  

May 5, 2009 at 8:29 AM

Hi little ones;
It never ceases to amaze me the diversity of people that gravitate toward you guys.It is indeed heartwarming. Looking at the photos reminded me again of Candices comment on how relaxed you both look. (How is the toe)? Thanks for keeping in touch and keeping us abreast of the latest escapades.
All our love M&D.oxoxox

K3NstyL said:  

May 6, 2009 at 8:14 AM

Well i have to say some of those photos look like "A Vintage Year"

Christoph said:  

May 7, 2009 at 4:02 PM

Hi guys,

First of all, Josh I hope you'll forgive us for not remembering your birthday, of which we didn't know the date in the first place... However, congratulations and all the best for probably one of the best years of your life!

Nice to see you're enjoying your trip through France and Spain, and the best of Europe is still to come ;-)

I'm sorry it took quite a while, but finally I managed to get some photos online for you. Most of them were taken "that night". Unfortunately we have some problems deciphering your email-address from the small paper snippet you gave us, so please just give us a hint by sending a mail to mail(at)cdanne.de and I'll send you the link and the password for the photos...

All right, take care, enjoy your time and be sure we're following your steps on this blog...


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