Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bapada Boopie

Ciao Bellas,

First of all let me apologise for the ridiculously long time it has take for us to post!! We have just been soooooo extremely tied up with eating....uh....I mean sightseeing...yeah thats it...sightseeing! Well anyway...all apologies aside, let me fill you in on what we have been doing in the great boot...

I think we left you in Avingon where Meg and I had a little down time...and since then until now there has been precious little of that commodity! We left Avingnon and stopped in gritty Marseille, a Harbour town with a strong Algerian influence...our hotel room was quite grotty but did the business and we wandered around with not much to do. The next day we hopped a train to Toulon in the hope that we could get a ferry to Rome. After a 20 minute walk with packs to the terminal we were duely informed that this service has recently been abandoned...nice! With some quick rejigging and directional assistance the route was changed to get the train to Genoa and then overnight it to Rome....overall it was to be a 12 hour train hike....needless to say we bailed on that idea and stopped in Genoa (via Nice, Cannes and Coastal Italian towns that yielded breathtaking views)...we were so pumped to enter the country of Pizza and Pasta and talking with your hands. It took all of 20 minutes to book into a local 1 star hotel and then go out for some authentic Italian grub...best pizza ever....and cheap too!

The following day we farewelled Genoa and headed for Florence...what can I say about the birthplace of the Renaissance, Michelangelo and the Medici dynasty? It is absolutely overwhelming the amount of history and intricately constructed buildings here that dwarf anything my mind could fathom before...From the Palazzo Vecchio to the Massive Duomo Basillica and up to Michelangelos Garden, Florence is a true Tuscan treat that is arguably the real heart of Italy! Meg and I dined in the Piazza Della Signora under the huge Torre Arnolfo and listened to a free concert of Italian folk tunes which was a nice touch.

I got a little sick in Florence and had a bit of a snappy tom at Megzy! She is such a good egg though and takes it in her stride, nuturing me back to awareness and enjoyment! After 2 nights in Florence we had to say Arrivederci and then chuggalugged our way to Roma...by this stage I was very run down and stuffy and the heat was killing me...we had decided to stay at the Seven Hills campsite out of town to accrue some extra play money...little did we know the campsite was a 45 minute walk with packs fully loaded and we did not find out about the courtesy shuttle bus until we got to the campsite of course! OMFG!!! Again Meg tolerated some very Cranky Pants from me as I was tired sick and fed up with walking...then the pegs would not go into the ground without bending...we did not have a mallet...the heat the heat the heat....arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Anyway the tent went up and I fell asleep at about 8pm. We checked out the camp site the next day and it was very well appointed...2 restaurants, a steak house, pool, sports grounds, and a quiet little niche for us! So we made use of the FREE SHUTTLE BUS and made our way into Roma...which for anyone that has not been is bizzare for a Capital city...no sky scrapers here, or massive traffice jams...it was strangely small and very accommodating to pedestrian travelling needs. Not to mention, more ruins than you can poke a stick at! I mean it is just a historical mecca of gargantuan proportions.

The first day was dedicated to the Vatican city Museums and Saint Peters Basillica (the largest and most opulant in all of Europe). The Piazza outside the Basillica was very impressive and then you go inside...you just can not describe the amazing amounts of man power, death, enslavement that would have been needed to create such Titanic church! WOW! And then we wandered throught the museum where we silently, in awe, gazed at the Frescoes of Raphael and Michelangelo...the Cistine Chapel was and hour of sitting, looking, head shaking, and lack of comprehension at how one man could spend four years of his life on scaffolding craning his neck up to the ceiling and letting the power of god guide his hands to such majesty! Apparently Michelangelo was never the same, physically, again after the demands of this effort...

The following day Meggy and I hopped a tourist bus and did a 2 hour loop of the city before deciding to visit the COLOSSEUM!!! Man what an experience that place is...built until it was servicable in just over 4 years and finished off in 8, this staduim (a design that was the catalyst most others were fashioned from) could seat between 40 and 70 thousand screaming spectators who would watch the most grusome battles take place! WOW! Probably Meg and my favourite place so far....the we walked around the Roman Forum next door and wandered through the ghostly remains of Titus Arch, Agustus house, and the Circus De Nero where christians were burned in piles to provide light for the feast of the Roman emperor...eeeeww. That was a huge day...we came back to the camp ground dusty, hot and tired and decided to treat ourselves to some lovely Vino Della Casa (cheap house red) and the best Tiramisu I have ever had the pleasure of tasting! MMMMM.....

The last day Meg and I packed up and stayed in Rome itself, which was a treat...we wandered around the city from the Spanish steps to Piazza Navona, the sacred ruins to Fontana de Trevi, the Pantheon to Piazza de Campidolglio and winding through some very fashionable areas! Long story short...I think we got good mileage out of Rome!

Next stop Napoli...however, everyone that we spoke to about this place told us not to go...mmm...so we changed our plans and then made camp in Pompei! Have I mentioned how hot it is here yet....everyday since Florence has been about 25-30 degrees with about 75% humidity which makes for very sweaty backs with bags!!! Anywho...after errecting our house, Meg and I wandered to get some food in the quiet town that receives around 3 million tourists a year for Vesuvius and Pompei ruins....preserved in the ash of the Volcanos explosion! We sat at a cheap restaurant and had some average pasta but thought yeah its cheap...and then the waiter bought out some "complementary" dishes that we did not order and gave us the impression they were on the house and we thought....oh how lovely...only guess what....yeah.... they appeared on the bill! Then all of a sudden...the waiter...forgot how to speak english...like he was struck with some form of stigmata all of a sudden...friggen con artist!! See cranky faced photo!

The next day we made a summit of Vesuvius and walked around the main crater at the top...there were some truely magnificent views of the Pompei Valley and all the way up to the Amalfi coast...in the afternoon we caught the train down to Sorrento...WOW...this little town is an absolute gem of a place....the shear coast line makes you wonder why anyone would want to build residence here...and then you look at the Mediterranean ocean and you go...oh...yeah....I suppose its worth it! We both had our first dip in the ocean in Italy and it was sublime...nice and cold and in a primo spot...right next to Peters beach (posted a photo and thought of dad lol) that we could not go into as it was 8 euro just to get on the beach! How good is Lemon Ice when you are parched (check out gigantic lemon)!

The following day we toured through the ruins of Pompei...it is simply amazing how well preserved this city is...and the history is astounding! Some of the earlier parts of Pompei were formed in the 6th century BC! Im talking 2600 years ago! And it was a thriving, bustling place, with a fish and meat market, bakeries, government building and even brothels with suggestive drawings above the rooms....we had a blast and were absolutely knackered at the end of 4 hours of walking in the sticky heat (by the way I thought cricket was an English invention, though clearly this bronze statue is depicting a man in a delivery stride at the crease??) LOL....but not knackered enough to not get the train to Naples just to try Pizza from the home of Pizza!! We went to Da Michele where Pizzas have been tossed since 1870! Only two choices, Margherita or Marianara and we slurpped them down with a bottle of frosty suds!! MMMMMM.....totally worth it!

From Napoli to Verona! Almost a 12 hour hike on the train and on our feet looking for a hotel to stay in!! Some more cranky pants from Josh...its stressful not knowing where you are going to sleep for the night when there are almost no more shadows in the day!! Luckily there were beds left at the Ostello de Francescatti! Check this place out on the web....its a HI Hostel in Verona that is a 16th Century Villa on huge grounds with beautiful gardens...stunning....the last photos will be of the grounds here! We then day tripped to Venice from here...one of the most out of this world places...20 million tourists a year...hot as hell and more rivers than streets with gondola men singing to love struck couples or alternatively groups of asian tourists. We wandered around to San Marco and checked out the amazing Church in the piazza (the best Ive seen yet) it is covered with mosaics of half centimeter squared tile and just the most amazing depictions of religious events and then chilled out by the water with gelati! We returned to Verona and showered at our hostel before going out to dinner like real Italians do at 10pm....returning to a lovely little restaurant right by the river! Quattoro formaggi and Tagliatelle al Porcini with a litre of Vino Bianco to knock us on the head and then zzzzzzzzz!

Meg and I left the Hostel this morning and got lost on our dedicated day of rest....man....ended up getting a taxi to the next hotel and now we are chilling out for the afternoon...which you kinda feel guilty for because Verona is arguably the most beautiful Italian town Ive seen and I have only seen a small portion! Meh...chilling is good! So tomorrow we leave for a scenic rail ride from Italy into Switzerland and then onto Austria...it seems like Italy has flown by....though I feel a cooler climate and cheaper beer will be a welcomed change...and my memories of the people,food and language will not fade fast!

Until next time my compatriots.... Ciao! xoxoxoxoxo

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