Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dia goot,

First of all I would like to apologise for the agonisingly long wait that you have endured since our last post. I am sure you have all been waiting with bated breath for the next installment of our thrilling adventures and we appreciate your patience. This post is going to be more abreviated though I am afraid due to the time constraints of our here goes....

After we last left you Meg and I ventured to Rotterdam and our next country (The Netherlands) home of Pickled herring, clogs, and liberal lifestyles...we arrived in the port city of Rotterdam which is the largest working harbour in Europe! It is a very impressive city with some quite bizzare architercture and a very modern feel. Meg and I took a boat ride down the harbour and barely scratched the surface of this gigantic place. We also ascended the very cool rotating Euromast that gives spectacular views of the city. Unfortunately it was time to bed down on the ground again and we camped just out of the city.

Highlights: Crazy ol Californian Chiropractor that wanted to smoke hash with us, Euromast views, architecture, harbour and bikie gang called the sprintstones that had their annual party in the camp ground while we were there...

Next stop Amsterdam....what an absolute riot of a place this is...where coffee shops are not what you think and where a perfectly innocent stroll can have you window shopping for some very lifelike products (expensive horizontal refreshment anyone?) Meg and I splashed out on some very comfortable accommodation and explored this fascinating city by free walking tour. There are some very interesting stories and history to accompany the usual debauchery and drug taking that goes on here...

Highlights: Getting unbelievably high and watching the weird world go by, walking tour of the beautiful city, pancakes, street performers, and the seedy underbelly of the Red light area.

After Amsterdam we travelled to Brussles in Belguim. Now Brussles is not a stunnigly beautiful city, nor is it incredibly exciting...but what it may lack in comparison to some European makes up for in droves with its abundance of fine chocolate shops, breweries and waffle stands. I think Meg and I definitely put on a few pounds munching into pralines, drinking Trappist beer and slurping down pots of Mussels!!! YUM!!! It also has, in our opinion, the most beautiful town square called the Grand Place...magnificent to sit and sip Leffe Brune or Megs favourite Kriek Cherry beer....mmmmmmmmm... We also squeezed in a day trip to Bruges and it really is a fairy tale city with the best preserved snapshot of medieval Europe....despite its very touristy feel, Bruges seems to maintain a certain charm and beautiful feel to it...and of course its easy to find the nicest chocolates and beer possible!!!

Highlights: Chocolate, Beer, accidentally staying in another red light district, climbing the clock tower in Bruges, Portugese festival in Brussles, The Grand Place, Belgian people (The best mix of great French cuisine and laid back Dutch personalities) waffles and Strawberry Fondue!!!

We then prepared to leave Europe and were quited shocked to know that our time here had come to an end already. Meg and I made our way to the ferry in Calais and returned to our first stop of France...though only for an hour as we were quickly whisked over the channel to Dover and then transfered to London by bus. By the time we settled down and pitched the tent it was 730pm and we had been travelling for about 13 hours! EEEEEEEEEEEwwwwww ...zzzzzzzzzzzz

We stayed in Crystal Palace for 4 nights and very lazily explored the famous mecca through out this time by strolling at a slow pace. It was nice to not be so touristy and actually understand every sign that we came accross! Meg and I did not really do a great deal as we are to be staying here for a while and should have ample time to do it properly when we settle into work!

Highlights: Watching the blues go down in an Aussie pub drinking TED's, Checking out Tower bridge, Big Ben, Parliment buildings, Buckingham Palace, Soho, The Thames, and listening to English scumbags talk like Dizzy Rascal!!! Bwahahahahah (Woot u tawken bowt laike) We were also very fortunate to meet up with Krishna and Hermione who were very lovely by putting us up and taking good care of us at Hermiones mums house for a night...we had a great time hanging out guys...also props to Hermiones mum for the extra special hospitality! Mwah!

So then our excitement was peaked to extreme as we anticipated the visit with some of our besties in Ireland!! YAY!! Carrie and Adrian!! We have had an absolute ball in Ireland and been able to experience first hand, and in a way most people would not, the pleasures of Irish culture....its been a whirlwind of day trips, trad bands, road trips, castles, forts, history and some good ol fashioned relaxing...not to mention the Beamish, Whiskey, great food and humour...we have truely been blessed to have such wonderful people put us up and take care of us as if we were royalty! Thank you soooooo much Carrie and Adrian...we will never forget what a wonderful time we have had with you guys and wish you all the happiness and adventure you can fit into your loving hearts! Thank you for taking good care of us and letting us overtake your lives for the last couple of truely has been the highlight of our trip!! xoxoxoxo

We now get ready to leave for Norway and prepare to bombard the Aubern lumberjack/viking known as Ty! What an incredible time for all of us to meet and have a reunion together in a country we have never been before. The anticipation is sooooo exciting and we are very happy right now with everything in and about sure to stay tuned for the next installment which I promise will contain greater detail and photos...will Meg make it out of Egypt alive, can Josh survive a second visit to Amsterdam with the BOYS!!!! For closure on all these events plus more be sure to log on and satisfy your curiosity!!! Until then xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoo!!!!

8 Declarations of Love... LEAVE US A COMMENT!:

Mum and Dad said:  

July 10, 2009 at 7:58 AM

It was overwhelming to see and talk with you beautiful people yesterday, so glad you're having such an amazing time. Big thank you to Carrie and Adrian for housing you and showing you the real Ireland. You do have the most exceptional friends.
Thanks for the photo's, and your literary prowess, your efforts are greatly appreciated.
All my love and more, Dad. :) xoxoxo

Anonymous said:  

July 10, 2009 at 9:18 AM

Very jealous of the adventure you guys are having. Tell me, did you go to Bruges because of the movie, or just because you wanted to??

Anonymous said:  

July 10, 2009 at 2:54 PM

I see you have kissed the Blarney Stone young Josh. Look out world! I have a photo of me kissing the Blarney with exactly the same man helping. Made me smile.
Michelle (Castlemaine)

Karly and Nick said:  

July 18, 2009 at 1:13 AM

hey guys, I actually was waiting with baited breath for your next blog entry, then I managed to miss it by about a week :) Anyway looks like the fun has continued. Is Meg going to Egypt alone?? As for Amsterdam, Josh I'm sure you'll be alive, but in what state?

Mum and Dad said:  

July 19, 2009 at 10:32 PM

Great to hear from you, thanks for the tip on fjords, breathtaking. I would like to wish you an amazing time, but could it be any more amazing (think not) stay well, see you soon.
Miss you much, all my love Dad. xoxoxo

Mum and Dad said:  

August 5, 2009 at 5:51 PM

Believe we are way over due for an update! Would love to see more of you and your travels.
Miss you much,Love Dad xoxoxo

Alicia said:  

August 5, 2009 at 11:52 PM

Miss you guys.. hope you are enjoying Eygpt. Love you xxx

Alicia said:  

August 6, 2009 at 4:59 PM

pssst... happy 7 years guys... love you xx


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