Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Final Family Hoorah

It was a bittersweet feeling as we descended into Melbourne last Monday night. This was the first time that Meg and I had experieced the acetically pleasing evening skyline of the city as it glistnened and beckoned us to land. And as we were to discover it would be the beginning of many firsts and one final last.....at least for now anyway!

To name just a few firsts:

1. Catching a long term parking bus to our very own car to drive back to Alicia and Raja's house.

2. Seeing a "sick" little girl with too much energy waiting to greet us when we arrived.

3. Having front row seats while attending a kindie gym.

4. Story time at the library.

5. Picnic rug cuddles with 3 nieces while cloud imaginations soared.

6. Toasted cheese and Vegemite sandwiches (I know...so simple...why have I not had it b 4?)

7. Waking up to Bella smiles in my bed.

8. Cranium delirium (thanks for the laughs guys....4 tenors.... bwahahahahahahahah)

9. Mushroom ragout.

10. Banana Lassie's.

There is certainly one first that is worth mentioning above all. How amazing this blog site is!!Without the tireless efforts of an already sleep deprived sister there would be none of this hey presto manifesto for us to connect and share with all of you during our journey. I want to convey to you, and show to everyone, the amount of love, appreciation and respect that Meg and I have for you ALICIA xoxox...we are truly grateful to have been blessed with such a wonderful and loving soul in our lives that has produced 3 more little angels for us to use as an excuse to never grow up. You have been an inspirational mother to your children and never cease to amaze us with how patient and loving you are to those kidlets...please trust in the knowledge that our separation will only galvanise our resolve as friends, confidants, shoulders, minders, but most importantly as the reliable and trustworthy family you deserve....thank you for opening your house and your heart to us (particularly me) for the last 8.5 years and remember that Meg and I will think of you often, sending our love across vast landscapes to warm the cockles of your heart (even more profoundly than a well needed chai)!!

Lots of love and we promise to make good use of this wonderful gift! Thank you once again with the up most sincerity and happiness! Meg and Josh xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bon Voyage

Josh and Meg are leaving the land that is Australia on 12th April 2009, to travel the world and experience a new chapter in their lives.

An adventure of love, life and laughter awaits them.

Let them know you love them.

Let them know you'll miss them.

Share. Your. Love.

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The Story of Josh and Meg

A sweet and short picture story about true love

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

and so it begun. It was young love...

Passionfruit birthday cake confirmed it was the real deal - True Love...

Two crazy's had finally found each other...

and became one... *collective ahhhhh*

Josh found himself leaving his country of 20+ years to embark on his funnyspoon with his soulmate (aka other crazy)...

Travel is mostly bliss, but staying hydrated is key...

The crazy's (aka soulmates) continue to share the love wherever they go...

They are the picture of wedded bliss... of true love... of "a single soul inhabiting two bodies" - Aristotle

Josh and Meg – You are amazing souls...

Your love and connection to each other and each of us is an inspiration...


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Quick Updates

Josh and Meg have touched down in Singapore! xoxo

Safe and Sound guys... how do you order Singapore noodles here?? They're all noodles sir!

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12/04/09 - Depart Sydney Airport

To be updated soon by Josh and Meg... xx

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Our Fixed Addy

This section will be updated by Josh and Meg once they have a fixed postal abode O.S. so we can send them any goodies from Australia that they might be missing... :)

If leaving Josh and Meg a comment, please do so under their most recent blog.

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Who are we?
Soulmates sharing the adventure of love, life and laughter.

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